2024 Book List

2024 was a pretty good year for my reading ambitions. In total I read 37 books this year. This year I tried to read more for my enjoyment and focused on finding good fiction titles. Here’s my complete 2024 stack:

The two that are missing from my stack were borrowed or lent to a friend so weren’t available for this photo. Here’s my thoughts on my favorite books I read this year:

  • Business/ Leadership/IT. No Rules Rules, Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention. I hate to lump the last book of the year I read into my favorite of three categories, but I did try and read more fiction this year. I liked this book because it gave a good history of the company as well as their unique thoughts on leadership.
  • Non-Fiction.
    • Ten Caesars: I picked up this book after visiting Rome and wishing I knew more about the attractions I was visiting. It dives into ten different leaders of Rome and the stark differences between them, their rule, and their impact on the Roman Empire.
    • The Tim Marshall Series: All great books that are easy to pick up and digest in chunks. Each book is broken down into ten or so chapters of about 30 pages each. I found them all fascinating.
  • Fiction.
    • Watership Down: Supposedly required reading in some schools, this is an adventure book of sorts that follows a group of rabbits along a dangerous path while they search for a new home.
    • Shadow of the Wind: Recommended by someone I met in Dublin. Good, mystery like read that follows the story of a boy learning about a troubled author.
    • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow: Read this one in about two days time. A book about friendship, success, failure, and video games.